About Us

Our Mission

The purposes and functions of the Republican Town Committee are to:

  1. encourage able Republicans to run for office.
  2. conduct and participate in party caucuses and/or conventions.
  3. organize and direct general and special election campaigns.
  4. support and elect Republicans to office.
  5. study and recommend able and qualified Republicans for elective and appointive office.
  6. study and support or oppose state legislation concerning Redding.
  7. study and recommend improvements in local government.
  8. sponsor and encourage instructive party activities.
  9. generate, administer and distribute party funds.
  10. submit the required periodic reports to the State Elections Commission through the Office of the Secretary of the State and the state party headquarters.

Our Platform

Redding Republicans: Leadership for the Long Term

The Redding Republican Party is proud of our proven record of strong local leadership and accomplishments through an ardent sense of community.  From our steadfast commitment to open space to our enduring support of our outstanding schools, Redding Republicans have helped to shape the quality of life we enjoy in Redding today.  Redding Republicans have helped to make and to keep Redding the best small town in Connecticut.   Redding Republicans are the right choice. 

Fiscal Accountability and Responsibility

Redding Republicans believe we must manage our resources prudently.  We respect the taxpayer’s limited ability to fund expenditures.  By carefully setting priorities, we should be able to do more with less and provide greater value for each tax dollar spent.  As prospective purchasers perceive greater value and restrained taxes in our community, home prices should strengthen.

Educational Excellence

  • Redding Republicans advocate an excellent, progressive, innovative, and balanced education for our children. We support a challenging curriculum with an outstanding staff, to be supplemented with productive academic, athletic, and artistic pursuits.  We believe in setting ambitious educational goals, requiring accountability in achieving them, and maintaining vigilant control of costs without sacrificing educational excellence.
  • We support improved communications between the Board of Education and the Board of Finance to facilitate the budget process each year.
  • We support the Mark Twain Library as a dynamic and growing cultural and educational institution in our community.

Commitment to Conservation:

Redding Republicans promote the rural character of our community through preservation of open space for passive and active recreational uses. 

Commercial Development and Commerce

The redevelopment of the former wire mill in Georgetown is an important part of Redding’s future, and we need good leaders to move the process forward. We further support the vitality of Redding’s current businesses as important providers of services needed in our community.

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